
Designed a company profile for new graduates targeting a construction company. Utilized bright colors sparingly to convey a friendly company culture. With a focus on people and presenting work in a clear and understandable manner, created engaging content to generate interest among new graduates in the company itself.
Designed a company profile for new graduates targeting a construction company. Utilized bright colors sparingly to convey a friendly company culture. With a focus on people and presenting work in a clear and understandable manner, created engaging content to generate interest among new graduates in the company itself.

Sports Apparel Catalog showcasing stylish models in dynamic poses with engaging content that keeps you hooked.
Sports Apparel Catalog showcasing stylish models in dynamic poses with engaging content that keeps you hooked.

In charge of fashion e-commerce catalogs. Constructed paper layouts with various perspectives and designs, prioritizing the unique image of each medium. Created an enjoyable shopping experience through engaging content and diverse approaches.
In charge of fashion e-commerce catalogs. Constructed paper layouts with various perspectives and designs, prioritizing the unique image of each medium. Created an enjoyable shopping experience through engaging content and diverse approaches.