CL_KUZUHA MALL/イベント用フライヤー/A4両面/2024

I had already decided on the logo and the key color, green, so we used an illustration of a green field as the background. We created vegetable-shaped frames to hold the details and arranged them randomly. The design is fun and warm.

From logo design to shop cards and brochures, I create a total package. Embracing monochrome as its signature color, I evoke a unique and serene atmosphere.
枚方 蔦屋書店/読書月間 2020/A4_2つ折り
枚方 T-SITE/ハワイフェア/B5/2022
枚方 蔦屋書店/奥吉野フェア/A5/2021
枚方 蔦屋書店/JORNEY JOURNAL/A5/2019〜2020(VOL,1〜6まで制作)
CL_Doc & Marty/カウンセリング・コーチングのチラシ/B5二つ折り/2023
海外のカウンセリングのような、心地良い空間でソファにゆったりと座りながら語る…そんな自分と深く向き合うための時間を提供したいというクライアント思いを大事に、落ち着いた色とおしゃれなイラストを使い構成。 親近感がわきつつも、きちんとした印象を与えるデザインに仕上げました。

I prioritized a client-centric approach that aims to provide a comfortable space for self-reflection, much like counseling sessions abroad. The design features a soothing color palette and stylish illustrations, creating a serene environment. The goal is to evoke a sense of familiarity while maintaining a polished impression, encouraging individuals to relax on the sofa and engage in meaningful conversations about themselves.
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